Tuesday, May 1, 2012


We are a scout family.  All six of my husband's siblings were in scouts.   Three of the boys became Eagle scouts.   Five of the nephews are Eagle Scouts, and four more nephews should be earning their Eagle rank in the next 3 years. Charlie's parents were involved in scouting until Mr. Taylor died in 2010.  Both of Charlie's parents were awarded the Silver Beaver for their work in scouting.  Scouting has been a big part of our life since we began having children 19 years ago.

You can only scrapbook so much in life, and boxes of badges and memorabilia are not a good option.   After seeing what the scout shop sold (very expensively) as a shadow box, I decided to make my own!

So far, I have only completed the cub scout shadow box for the boys.  Only one of my 3 boys has his Eagle rank so far, and I just haven't gotten around to working on his Boy Scout memory box. 

Anyhow, I purchased these shadow boxes from Michael's with a 50% off coupon when the frames were all ready on sale.  This  made the project very affordable!  All the boys love their shadow boxes.

Here is what I came up with for my oldest with his Cub Scout shirt:
  • Tiger Cub t-shirt from back in the day when they earned paw prints on the left
  • Cub scout shirt
  • Neckerchiefs
  • Various badges
  • Webelos colors with webelos pins
  • Miscellaneous Scouting memorabilia

For the belt loops and pins, I did something totally different:

Here is a picture of the first one I did for my oldest.  Each of the boys' boxes looks very different from the other.

I am sure many of you are more crafty than I am and will tweek this to the umth degree!  Enjoy!

Happy Scouting!