Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lessons from a Brownie Scout

I was only in Brownie Scouts for a couple of years, but I learned some good life lessons:

1. Give the best of yourself, and try not to be too disappointed when someone else isn't their best self. They, like you, are a work in progress, and though you think you have it all together, you really aren't in any better shape than the one not giving her best. Remember to be humble. (Lesson from the Christmas Party.)

2. Goal setting is important. You may be prevented from realizing those goals, but by setting those goals and working towards those goals, you have made yourself a better person. So you did the preparation for the race, but you were not allowed to run in the race? So what! You are in better physical shape than you would have been otherwise. Look for the best when you feel you have been dealt the worst. (Lesson from not moving on to girl scouts.)

3. When you make a mistake, own up. When someone has wronged you, speak up. When you hear gossip, shut up. Being honest and true in your communications may not be easy or feel very good sometimes, but those who are watching will remember that you owned up, spoke up, or shut up at the appropriate times. You do not need to parade your character nor worry about what someone else says about your character. You are the best source of your character. If others choose to listen to gossip, they will soon be convinced of your true colors as they observe you. (Lesson from our brownie overnight.)

4. Laugh, have fun, try something new, step outside your box, live a little, enjoy, and keep smiling. Life is short and is not to be governed by "shoulds" and "should nots". Life is too short to dwell on other's judgements of your being high on life. (Lesson from the Halloween Party)

I was only in Brownies a couple of years, but I remember those life lessons well. Funny I was thinking about those years today. Funny that I remember those years so clearly. Funny how those little experiences revealed big lessons.

Hugs and many thanks to my Brownie leaders!!!

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