Saturday, August 1, 2009


"There have been so many changes in my life. It is a wonder I've not lost my mind."

No truer statement can be made of the last 6 months in my little world. My world went from something familiar, through a huge transition, and now is resting in an unfamiliar, but lovely, place. I can not think of an aspect of my life that hasn't undergone significant change in the last 6 months. Along the way, I have had many life lessons. Some of the lessons have been nice and sweet, but others have sucked the breath right out of my lungs. Through it all, there have been a handful of faithful ones standing near who have weathered the storm with me. Here is a taste of who they are and what they did:

1. No matter what is going on in my world, my children love me. They saw the difficult things going on, the heard and witnessed the wickedness we all saw, and they respected and loved me through it all. We all learned to hold our tongue and let our actions, not our words, bare witness to who we are. Actions speak louder than words, we told the children.

2. My husband watched some really not so nice things go on in my world and hung in there for the wild ride. He encouraged, supported, and helped in many practical ways the last 6 months. There are too many to count. He was an angel, and he loves me.

3. My mother, father, and Aunt Barbara are great support. They silently watched what was going on, and helped in practical ways...dinners, watching children. When I finally gave them a few details, they were extremely supportive and loving. I could not have healed from the scars others inflicted without their help.

4. My dear friends Robert and Debi have been god-sends. My family has embraced both of these friends, who both are currently in major crisis in their own lives, but both have loved and supported me the last 6 months, watching in pain as I was dealing with some not so nice things, and then listening for a while, and finally, rejoicing with me when the storms had passed. I hope I will always be as true to them as they were to me.

I think the worst of the storm is over. There is some clean up, some debris to put out at the curb, some flowers to replant, and some damage to repair. My life will never be the same again, and that's ok. It may even be more than OK. I know it will be wonderful!

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