Wednesday, December 24, 2008

O Night Divine

Tonight my family went to Christmas Eve services at my church. It was one of the most emotionally and spiritually moving worship services I have attended in years. As I lifted my voice to join the choirs of angels worshiping the newborn King, I felt Heaven come down and the Christ child dwell in my heart. I have known the Lord for years, and tonight was one of those special nights where HIS presence was palpable.

Listening to the choir and the congregation sing about the Light, Immanuel, the Babe in the manger and the coming of our Savior was a moving experience, but more moving than that were two people I in the congregation. The first was my daughter. Her eyes lit up and her sweet voice sang the praises of our Lord. Charlie, who has a beautiful ear for pitch, sang with her to help her with pitch, but her sweet voice didn't quite make the notes. It didn't matter. She was singing with all her heart and soul to her Creator! Our Creator met Grace where she was in worship, and I know it was pleasing to Him. The second person in the congreation was a Hindu woman. Yes, the Lord brought a Hindu woman to a Christian service. I know it must have seem odd to this woman watching us celebrate the Life. I hope that He reached down and touched her so that she is never the same again.

I love Christmas Eve worship. God is good.

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